True Diseases

  • Post Trauma Syndrome (PTS)
  • Post-Rabies Syndrome (PRS)
  • Psoric Miasm (Psora)
  • Sycotic Miasm (Sycosis)
  • Syphilitic Miasm (Syphilis)
  • Tubercular Miasm (Tuberculosis)
  • Cancer Miasm (combination of all miasms)
Homeopathy or Homeopathy is defined by a therapeutic system where medicine is selected depending on the similarity of symptoms [ providing symptoms (drug proving and clinical proving) and symptoms of the sick individual ]

The origin of every symptom of the sick individual is considered in two ways --
  • Superficial and
  • DEEP i.e. Miasmatic Origin
If a man has no miasmatic influence, outer causes will not affect him - (Kent's Philosophy, Page-13)

It progresses from simple state to every highest degree of complexity, not always alone and by itself but often by the villainous aid of drugging generation after generation; for the physician has endeavored with all his power to drive it from the surface and has there by caused it to root itself deeper, to become more dense and invisible, until the human race is almost threatened with extinction" - (Chapter Chronic Disease- Psora)

The children inherit from their parents and carry it on and continue it. As the internal is so is the external, cannot be except as the result of the internal" - (Chapter Chronic Disease- Psora 2)

The term miasm means "noxious influence". A miasm is most simply defined as a person's inherited disease group. Every human has an inherited miasm and inherited responses that have been passed down from one generation to the next generation. A miasm is either active, inactive (latent), or exposed. Miasms are either inherited, meaning passed down through family genetics, or they can also be acquired, such as through developing the disease of gonorrhea or syphilis. Miasms are responsible for all chronic diseases of any type.

The miasm theory was first introduced by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German medical doctor and founder of homeopathy in his book The Chronic Diseases which was published in 1828. As the result his clinical work for 12 years on many complex cases, Hahnemann discovered the chronic characteristics and disease history of mankind and put these into three distinct categories of disease. These three disease groups were named Psora (psoric miasm), Sycosis (sycotic miasm), and Syphilis (syphilitic miasm). Miasms have a significant impact on the susceptibility of the individual to acute and chronic diseases and impact a person’s mental/emotional state, their physical reactions to stress or to the environment, and how allopathic drugs, pathogens or vaccinations will impact them.

Post Trauma Syndrome (PTS)

Trauma :
-- mental shock
-- Physical illness
  • A very difficult or unpleasant experience that causes someone to have mental or emotional problems usually for a long time.
  • An injury ( such as a wound) to living tissue is caused by an extrinsic agent.
  • A disordered psychic or behavioral state resulting from severe mental or emotional stress or physical injury.
  • An agent, force, or mechanism that causes trauma.
....................................[ Merriam-Webster Dictionary ]
Here "Trauma" means effect of different ailments and different medicines used for the treatment for long time on the individual and "Post Trauma Syndrome" means complications after multiple treatment by which disappearance of primary manifestations of the ailments through unscientific way.

Post-Rabies Syndrome (PRS) 

The more powerful poison has more destructive power. Gradually the power of destruction will be more and more in the next generations until that powerful poison is neutralized with the help of a similar poison. When the human body becomes poisonous with this powerful poison where the abnormal or unnatural gamete (sperm and ovum) are produced and a baby with a crippled physical or mental state is created in the generations bearing genetic diseases and they will become the victim of different painful incurable diseases like cancer etc. in future, i.e they will never enjoy a healthy life. The name of the creator of this powerful poison is the Rabies virus. The child who inherits the genetic material of the Rabies virus is born with a horrible condition or state.

"Rabies is caused by a rhabdovirus that infects the central nervous tissue and salivary glands of a wide of mammals and is usually conveyed by saliva through bites or licks on abrasions or on intact mucous membranes. The infection is normally transmitted from animal vectors like dogs, cats, bats, foxes etc. In Europe, the maintenance host is the fox." [ Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine, 22nd Edition, Page-1206]

"Rabies virus is a lyssavirus that infects a broad range of animals and causes a serious neurologic disease when transmitted to humans. This single-strand RNA virus has a nonsegmented negative sense (antisense) genome that consists of 11,932 nucleotides and encodes 5 proteins: nucleocapsid protein, phosphoprotein, matrix protein, glycoprotein, and a large polymerase protein." [ Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 19th Edition, Page-1299]
After bite of any animal ( Dogs, Cats, Bats, Snakes etc. ) and also after application of vaccine for the treatment of bite, the complicated symptoms which are horrible and uncommon, develop the victim and also in the next generations of the victim, collectively mentioned as post Rabies Syndrome(PRS.)
Post Rabies Syndrome (PRS)
Complications are as follows -
  • The baby, created from a zygote with predominant post-Rabies Syndrome (PRS) may give trouble to the mother during pregnancy.
  • The morbid (fatal) baby may be created from a predominant PRS- zygote and such a dangerous situation may happen that the baby must be admitted to NICU immediately after birth, even surgical provision may have to take immediately after birth, e.g. as in case of CDH [Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia], no anus, etc.
  • Amniotic fluid was drained out before childbirth, So a cesarean section was done before EDD.
  • The baby was born with bluish discoloration and was almost dead, there was no hope.
  • After two miscarries and huge treatment, this baby was born almost dead.
  • From predominant PRS-zygote, the baby may be born with mal-development of the different organ(s), e.g.- the baby was born with only one kidney which was not properly developed i.e. Rudimentary. Family history of this baby - both mother and father were bitten by a dog before their marriage.
  • Besides, the baby may be born with incurable genetic diseases, like- Down Syndrome, Thalassemia, Hemophilia, Huntington's Chorea, SLE ( Systematic Lupus Erythematosus ), Psoriasis, Neurofibromatosis, Congenital Heart disease, etc.
  • From PRS-predominant Zygote, the baby may be born with Pancreatic pathology which may ultimately transform into Acute pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis, pancreatic carcinoma, etc.
  • The baby created from Zygote with predominant- PRS may give trouble to the mother during pregnancy and also during the neonatal period e.g., constant weeping day and night. Again this type of baby becomes seriously ill now and then, for which baby must be admitted to the hospital.
  • Again, there was no problem or suffering throughout their whole life, they never enjoy peaceful healthy life i.e. for them happiness or well-being is not allowed by god. As the age is advancing, the complicacy of diseases becomes more and more. because the individual with predominant PRS constitution goes to the physician of any therapeutic system including classical homeopathy for the treatment of any problem ( physical or mental ), an immediate solution is done with the medicine or the surgical provision. As the cause or origin of the problem is not remedied with the similimum i.e., most similar medicine, Hydrophobinum, the suffering becomes more and more complicated day by day ultimately becoming incurable, destructive, and fatal.
Again, different abnormalities are found in the baby born with predominant PRS ( Post Rabies Syndrome )-
  • The baby was born in a horrible physical condition.
  • The baby did not weep and pass urine or stool for a long time after birth.
  • The baby was very weak for sucking breast milk.
  • The baby was born with a huge tumor.
  • The baby was born with Hydrocephalus.
  • Sometimes, such a dangerous situation happens that before EDD cesarean section must have to do.
  • After the delivery baby was healthy, but after 3-6 days, painful continuous weeping for many days, no amelioration with any medicine.
  • During pregnancy, the mother had to suffer a lot. After birth the baby was very restless, never calm and quiet, impatient, angry and obstinate, had no love and affection from anybody but rather hatred by everybody for ill-behaved nature, and became furious, destructive, and dangerous by character. He was always busy with evil willing, evil thinking, and evil-doing, and very inattentive with studies. Next, he become outrageous, a drug addict, alcoholic, etc., and engaged in antisocial activities. In the last part of his life, he becomes the victim of painful incurable diseases, like- cancer, ulcer, etc.
  • On the other hand, during pregnancy fatal movement was less than normal, the baby did not cry after birth, He was gently nurtured, and quiet disposition, by birth. So the baby was loved by everybody. Everybody would become astonished by his intelligence and consideration. He was very attentive to his studies and also meritorious.
  • Menstruation was disturbed and abnormal in all respect. viz. Early menarche i.e. menstruation started earlier ( Before 10 years of age ), Dysmenorrhoea i.e. painful menstruation, Menometrorrhagia i.e. huge menstrual flow even twice a month, irregular menstruation i.e. no menstruation for 2 to 6 months or more or few days before or after 28 days, late menarche i.e. first menstruation started very late after treatment, Leucprrhoea i.e. vaginal white discharge starts very earlier, before menarche.................. A study with girls regarding the above abnormalities reveals that they may suffer from uterine carcinoma or carcinoma of the cervix in the later part of life. Abnormal babies, babies with genetic diseases,s, etc. may be produced from them. Besides, if PRS is predominant in the father and the above problems were absent in the mother, then also crippled baby may be produced with predominant PRS.
  • In the case of predominant- PRS, an individual suffers a lot since early life, as - yesterday, there was one problem, today another, tomorrow there will be another new problem, and so on.
  • There is only one cause behind the above-mentioned problems, that is a bite, bitten by dog or bat or cat or fox or langur, etc. This site and the vaccine used for the treatment of bites create the above problems.
Besides, a state similar to PRS may be created through the following causes-
  • Father or mother was bound to take huge medicines for their complicated problem ( Physical and mental ) before pregnancy.
  • Cancer was diagnosed in the father or mother after the birth of the baby. The baby was born with low birth weight, delayed crying, sleeplessness, Anorexia, etc.
  • there were three consecutive abortions and after huge medications, the mother conceived this baby.
  • An attempt to abort the conception was done but failed.
  • There was primary infertility i.e. no baby after five years of marriage, and with huge treatment, this baby was born.
  • After a poisonous snake bite and effective treatment for the bite, different after-effects were observed.

The Psoric Miasm (Psora) 

The word "psora" is derived from the Hebrew 'tsorat' and Greek 'psora' which means a groove or stigma. Psora is called the miasm of deficiency. Psora is rooted as a miasm in the disease of leprosy and is derived from skin eruptions of various types, including scabies (itch), leprosy, and psoriasis. Hahnemann determined that psora was spread through skin-to-skin contact in humans and also in animals. Psora starts as an itching eruption of the skin and is very contagious. Hahnemann discovered that a single touch or contact with clothing or bandages from the person infected with psora meant that person could contract the disease.

All babies are exposed to the transfer of psora during pregnancy and the birth process from the mother. After contact, psora is immediately transmitted by the nervous system throughout the entire body because it is spread via the skin. Every human being will have psora and it is considered to be the "mother" of all chronic diseases. Since all human beings will have psora, it is therefore responsible for the largest percentage of all chronic human diseases. For this reason, Hahnemann referred to psora as a "hydra-headed monster".

On the physical plane, the psoric miasm is expressed as itchy skin, lesions, eruptions, vesicles, or other skin-related conditions. This includes skin diseases things as psoriasis, and eczema and extends to allergies and asthma. There can be offensive discharges, itchy and oozing skin, eczema, psoriasis, and other skin conditions that itch, sometimes very violently, and with or without vesicles or other eruptions. The skin will be itchy and dry, and sometimes be dirty looking and bad smelling from the discharges. Psora also has the symptoms of joint inflammation and arthritic conditions. The psoric person often has chronic ear infections and they may suffer from hay fever, allergies, sinus infections, and asthma. They are worse for cold or open air and better for the warmth of any type. The psoric miasm also has acidity, burning, constipation, epilepsy, flatulence, and hoarseness.

On the mental/emotional plane, psora has a mental restlessness, and this is why it is also referred to as the "itchy mind". There is anxiousness and also hunger at night. The person may overeat due to stress, worry, and anxiety. There can be feelings of being forsaken, despair, anxiety about the future, or any situation. The psoric miasm has strong religious affections. At the same time, there can be obsessive, negative, and strong emotional reactions to grief, fear, and loss. With psora, there are many types of constant worries as well, such as fear of change, fear of health, and fear of poverty. There can be hopelessness as well as guilt and melancholy.
  • Psora fingernail formation: dry, brittle, rough

The Sycotic Miasm (Sycosis) 

The word sycosis derives from the word “syco”, Greek word for fig. Sycosis is named the "fig wart disease" and is the miasm of excess. Sycosis is derived from the disease of gonorrhea, either inherited - meaning transferred in its suppressed state down from one generation to the next or acquired. The wart came to be seen as the underlying physical symptom of this miasm and sycosis responsible for all warty excrescences and growths.

On the physical plane, there is swelling in the joints (edema) and connective tissues as well as arthritis and rheumatism. Sycosis has connected to asthma or a family history of asthma. Mucous discharges and catarrhs are thick and constant. There are growths of warts, moles, and also eczema. Arthritis, rheumatism, asthma, catarrhs, bronchitis, cystitis, and urinary ailments are all partly or mainly sycotic in character. There can be thick, coarse, and excessive growth of hair and ridged or thick nails. The sycotic miasm is responsible for many sexual and urinary disorders as well as affections of the joints and mucous membranes.

The reproductive and hormonal problems associated with sycotic miasm include dysmenorrhea (menstrual cramps), herpes, ectopic pregnancies (blockages of the fallopian tubes), miscarriages, menstrual difficulties, and sterility. Chronic or long-term inflammation of joints, arthritis and cystitis are part of this disease group. The sycotic miasm is responsible for the sudden onset of any severe disease. There can be swelling in any part of the body (edema) and prostate enlargement as well as appendicitis. There is often a slower recovery from the disease from a sluggish defense mechanism. The sycotic person's conditions are always worse in the cold, worse damp, worse rainy seasons. They are better active or often at the seaside.

On the mental/emotional plane, with sycosis there can be suspiciousness, secretiveness, mischievousness, forgetfulness, and absentmindedness. This is the miasm of excess. Because sycosis is the miasm of excess, the phrase "sex, drugs and rock ‘n roll" symbolizes the idea sycosis at work and represents the excessive nature of the sycotic mind and behaviors. There is a compulsive nature in this miasm. This also includes "work-aholism", chronic overwork, ambition, striving to achieve more success, and more possessions. Compulsive behaviors and desires in life are also part of this miasm.
  • Sycosis Fingernail formation: Ridged, irregular, corrugated; Pale; Thick; Convex

The Syphilitic Miasm (Syphilis) 

The Syphilitic miasm is called the miasm of destruction. This miasm is held to be responsible for many diseases of the nervous system, the blood, and the skeleton as well as a range of psychological disorders.

On the physical plane, there are putrid discharges, including gangrene. There are often issues with the eyes including cataracts and blindness. Ulcerations in veins and bones, cracks and fissures of the tongue, openings, and skin are present in the syphilitic miasm. There are skin diseases that become infected may ooze with pus as well as ulcerated sore throats, frequent ear infections, ulcers of the ear, nose, urinary organs, or mouth. There can be hyperextension (high blood pressure) and bone marrow inflammation. There can be bone pains that are tearing, bursting, and burning. Loss of smell and taste and deafness is part of this miasm. Rheumatism of long bones is also present. Reproductively, there is a history of miscarriages, stillborn pregnancies, or sterility. This miasm is also associated with many heart conditions, some vesicular skin eruptions, recurrent fevers, and diseases that have a definite nocturnal (nighttime) periodicity. All symptoms are worse at night.

On the mental/emotional plane there can be jealousy, enviousness, explosive anger, and sudden destructive impulses - including suicidal tendencies. Diseases related to diminished memory, alcoholism, and depression are also part of this miasm. The syphilitic miasm is usually active in Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and related diagnoses including Down's syndrome. The person of syphilitic miasm may have distorted, fixed, or rigid ideas and a pessimistic view of life. There is often forgetfulness, loss of memory, mental dullness, and advancing to mental paralysis. Diseases of aging, include those that destroy function and memory such as dementia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease are part of the syphilitic miasm. Certain types of cancer are part of the syphilitic miasm. In general, destructive diseases that involve gene mutations are part of this syphilitic miasm.
  • Syphilitic Fingernail formation: Spoon-shaped, Paper-like, Concave, Fungal Infections

The Tubercular Miasm (Tuberculosis)

The tubercular miasm is the miasm of reaction. It is considered a "mixed miasm" of the equally dominant and joined characteristics of both the psoric and syphilitic miasms.

On the physical plane, people with a Tubercular miasm are more frail individuals who are sensitive to the heat but may often feel chilled. The tire with excessive activity but feel better when moving about. here is a dislike or are sensitive to changes of weather and thunderstorms and are sensitive to environmental toxins, barometric or atmospheric changes. The muscular system, bone, and other areas requiring oxygen to function properly are weaker in the tubercular type of person. There is a tendency to emaciation and feebleness, as well as weak lungs, respiratory system imbalances, frequent colds, and sensitivity to the cold. There will be offensive discharges and intense body or head perspiration.

The Tubercular person is worse from exposure to cold. They can have recurring nose bleeds, bleeding gums, and bloody stools. Some will have long eyelashes, pale skin, and hair. There will often be cravings for salt (including salted meats like bacon), sweets, and stimulating foods and beverages. Children may suffer from prolonged bed wetting. There is also a tendency toward hernias at birth. Milk often disagrees and may cause diarrhea or there is an aversion to milk. The tubercular person can be anemic, with general inherited weakness. They may have ringworm, acne, and white spots on their nails. There is a tendency toward suppuration and scarring. This person is more prone to exhaustion if overworked or stressed and may feel like they never have enough rest. The tubercular person is better with the sun and warmth.

On the mental/emotional plane, there is mental restlessness, dissatisfaction, and a lack of tolerance. The person may have difficulty finishing what they started. The tubercular person may also have frequent nightmares, especially children. They often sense a need for change and alter their present status and therefore desire to travel. They can quickly change from a good-tempered mindset to being disagreeable and angry. In children, temper tantrums or "meltdowns" are often observed. Such people seek stimulation and desire to experience new things which may be adverse to mental work. In the tubercular miasm, we see alternations in the mental sphere, such as the person seeking protection and sometimes independence, inactivity and restlessness, depression and overly cheerfulness, violence, and extreme sensitivity.
  • Tubercular Fingernail Formation: Stains, Specks, white spots, Glossiness, Hangnails, Pus formation where skin meets the nails

The Cancer Miasm (combination of all miasms)

The cancer miasm is an equally dominant combination of all three miasms - the psoric, sycotic and syphilitic altogether. The disease of cancer which attacks multiple organs and has cancerous growths (sycosis) and then the destruction of tissues (syphilitic) is the main disease of this group. Also included are other autoimmune diseases such as AIDS, lupus, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

On the physical plane, there are tendencies toward pneumonia, pernicious anemia, or whooping cough. We will often see pale skin color, blue sclera of the eyes, and spider veins in this type of person. There is sensitivity to the environment and environmental toxins in particular as well as negative reactions to vaccinations and allopathic drug use. There can be numerous illnesses over a short period of time or in childhood. There may be sensitive gums and teeth, and headaches before a storm. There can be tics and Tourette's Syndrome in such types. Also present are skin diseases like vitiligo. There can also be thyroid and growth disorders, including dwarfishness and failure to thrive or develop properly in children on the mental or the physical plane. A person of this miasm is generally in a more weakened state when compared to the other miasmatic groups. Stress, environment, trauma, and grief all have a deep impact on people in the cancer group. A family history of cancer, diabetes, tuberculosis, or pernicious anemia is present. In this type, there can be improvement or aggravation by the seaside.

On the mental/emotional plane, the Cancer type may have difficulty thinking and making decisions. There can be perfectionist tendencies and fastidiousness - or also the opposite side of apathy. There can be a tendency to depression or suicide. Children with learning disorders, Autism (ASD) and related diagnosis, Down syndrome, , etc. will often benefit from remedies in this Cancer miasm group. Carcinosin is an important remedy for vaccine damage in this type of individual.

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